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Matthew -
The Kingdom of Jesus

A Devotional Study in Matthew

Do You Like to Work?

Matthew 4:18-22

Do you like to work so much that if Jesus came to ask you to drop what you were doing to follow Him, would you stay at your tasks? Maybe it depends on how well we know Jesus. I wouldn't do it for a stranger.

In these verses Jesus walks along side the Sea of Galilee and calls first Peter and Andrew to follow him, and they drop their fishing nets to follow, but He also calls James and John, sons of Zebedee, who do the same; get out of their boat, leaving their father, to follow Jesus.

What amazes me is that these four men, who may have been teens for all I know, just stopped what they were doing and immediately followed Jesus.

Nor were they idle, just lying on a beach towel sunning themselves and wondering what to do for laughs. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were all busy at the time Jesus called. Busy with real jobs, or in the case of the John and James, helping their dad with his work.

Do you suppose that means Jesus deliberately looks for those who are workers or who know how to work; or that lazy, non-working people just don't hear His call to follow Him?

I rather suspect both are true.

If you asked me, "Do you like to work?" I would answer: Yes. The work ethic has been ingrained in me from my childhood. In fact, some people think I don't even know how to have fun, though I maintain that enjoying meaningful work is all the pleasure I need most of the time. It's true too, that I've been eager to follow Jesus from a very tender age. Then, when Jesus called me I was found in the right place and attitude?

I can see I have something to be thankful for, but what about those who have not been taught the value of work? Will they find it harder to hear Jesus' call to discipleship? Or to follow Him?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I'm so glad I heard Your call to come and follow You! You are a wonderful Teacher and Guide, and I've learned so very much already. Thank You.

Grant me the grace and wisdom to know how to make following You appealing enough to others so that they'll desire to work and obey and give up their own ways..

Jesus is my King!!

Blessings on you Today!
Ruth Marlene Friesen

P.S. You will love Ruthe's Secret Roses if you like;
* walking and talking intimately with God
* stories of compassion and dramatic conversion
* have a bleeding, caring heart of your own
* are a caregiving older sister
* love designing clothes and make-overs
* love giving gifts and surprises
* are a mentor or counseling kind of friend.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen
Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada