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Matthew -
The Kingdom of Jesus

A Devotional Study in Matthew

Daring God

Matthew 4:5-7

Did you know that challenging, or daring God to prove Himself is Satan's approach? Way-way back, probably before the earth was created, Satan, a beautiful angel in Heaven, decided that he could challenge God for His throne and authority. That's how he attacked Jesus too, when He was about to begin His earthly ministry.

Jesus had gone into the desert alone to fast and pray for forty days. Then the devil took Jesus to the holy city and had Him stand on the highest point of the temple. Then Satan suggested that Jesus could throw Himself down, trusting God's promise that angels would protect him from so much as hitting a foot against a stone.

Jesus answered with God's own words in Scripture, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test." In plainer language, don't dare God.

Well, we rarely ever hear of anyone trying to do that, so surely we are never guilty of this. Right?

Wait. I have often read the personal stories of people and seen where, they challenged, or dared God to prove Himself. Uusually in a belligerent way. Surprisingly, their story often goes on to describe how God stopped theim in their tracks with how He revealed Himself.

Let's be humble enough for a minute or two to consider if there is anything in our lives that is like a dare to God.

Taking a cue from Satan's first tempation of Jesus in this Matthew passage, have we ever trusted God to protect us when we were out to get some recognition from the world? Especially if doing something along the lines of a publicity stunt?

Ah, I wonder if I haven't been trying to strike awe in the hearts of my friends and acquaintances by telling them how I trust in the Lord to provide my financial needs. I mean, I certainly ought to do that, but have I been daring God to give me miracles so that I can show off, "look what God does for ME"? I'm afraid at times that has been true. I do hope my motives have been pure most times.

How about when we allow ourselves some little sins, and think, "God won't notice. Nothing will happen in the way of punishment. In today's world it's okay to indulge yourself, even if you get a little over-weight. Nothing Terrible happens." It's like we think God has forgotten how holy He is, and how He hates sin, and how careful He is with details. (In fact, it is we who have forgotten).

PRAYER: Oh God, I'm afraid I have yielded to Satan's temptation to dare You. I have believed his lie.

How astonishingly slow You are, Lord, to punish us. You give us time to repent and renounce our sins. If we don't, I'm sure You will still keep Your Word. I do repent and accept Your salvation.

Jesus is my King!!

Blessings on you Today!
Ruth Marlene Friesen

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Ruth Marlene Friesen
Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada